Become A Member Or Donate Today
Contributing membership for a year per household or donating to the budget means we can provide more services and help the community in ways that no other organization can contribute. The best part? We are totally transparent - you can see where every dime goes, without question. Become a member or donate here, today!
Membership can be recurring yearly, or a single donation can be used to fund the existing budget and priorities without becoming a member.
By becoming a member of our organization or making a donation, you are not only supporting our mission, but also directly impacting Meadowlawn. Your contribution will help us provide more services and resources. You will have access to exclusive events and updates on the organization's progress. You will also have the satisfaction of knowing that you are playing a vital role in making a positive change in the community.
Alternatively, if becoming a member is not for you, a single donation can still make a big impact. Your donation will go towards funding Meadowlawn's existing budget and priorities, allowing us to continue making a difference in the lives of those around us and be an advocate for you and our neighbors.
One of the best things about the Meadowlawn Neighborhood Association is our transparency. We believe in being open and honest about where every dime goes, and we are committed to providing our donors and members with a clear understanding of how their contributions are being used. So, become a member or make a donation today, and join us in making a positive impact in your community. Your support is greatly appreciated and will help us continue to make a difference.